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Workpiece and tool handling
Main category
Robotic and automation
Sub category
Handling of workpieces, Handling equipment for aligning and positioning of workpieces, Lifting magnets, Loading and feeding equipment for machine tools, Palletising of workpieces and tools, Vibrating conveyors, Tool changers and magazines, Press tool changing systems, Changing devices for clamping parts, Gripping tools and automatic fixtures, Handling equipment for warehousing input and delivery of workpieces, Stackers, Workpiece carrier magazines, Other equipment for workpiece or tool handling, Coiling/uncoiling equipment, reels, Stacking devices, Ejecting devices, Coil Turning Devices, Workpiece insertion units, Demagnetizing devices , Magnetising equipment , Blank feeding units, Transfer facilities, Roll Feeders, Gripper Feeders