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  • Ultrasonic machines x

Buy Used Ultrasonic machines

Ultrasonic machines are precision tools that generate sound waves at a frequency greater than 20,000 Hz to remove material from the workpiece surface or to weld, clean or test materials. Ultrasonic machines consist of a generator, a transducer, a horn and a tool tip. The generator produces electrical signals at a specific frequency that are transmitted to the transducer. The transducer converts these electrical signals into mechanical vibrations and passes them to the horn. The horn amplifies these vibrations and transmits them to the tool tip, which is then brought into contact with the workpiece. Depending on the application, ultrasonic machines can be used for cutting, welding, grinding, deburring, polishing and cleaning materials. They are used in many industries, particularly in the manufacture of precision components for the automotive, aerospace, medical and electronics industries. Ultrasonic machines are also useful for testing materials, as they are able to detect internal structures of materials. This technology is used in non-destructive material testing to find defects such as cracks, voids or porosity in materials.

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