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  • Thorn brakes and presses x

Buy Used Thorn brakes and presses

Mandrel benders and mandrel bending presses are metalworking terms. They are used to bend metal bars, tubes or profiles into a specific shape by inserting a mandrel into the tube to assist in the bending. A mandrel bending machine is a machine capable of bending metal bars or tubes into a specific shape. It consists of a bending device, in which the metal part is clamped, and a mandrel, which is inserted into the metal part to support the bending. An arbor bending press is basically the same as an arbor bending machine, but the bending process is performed by a hydraulic press rather than a manual operation. These machines are usually used in mass production to bend a high number of metal parts with high precision and speed. Both mandrel bending machines and mandrel bending presses are available in different sizes and designs and can be used for a wide range of applications, such as furniture manufacturing, automotive, aerospace, shipbuilding and construction.

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