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  • Web offset printing x

Buy Used Web offset printing

Web offset printing is a printing process in which a continuous roll of paper, cardboard or other flat materials is fed through a printing press. Unlike sheet-fed presses, the material is not cut into individual sheets but printed in a continuous roll. Web offset printing is most often used for printing long runs because it can be fast and efficient. The process of web offset printing is based on the principle of grease-water repellency. In this process, the printing plate is provided with an image consisting of greasy and water repellent areas. The greasy part of the plate accepts the ink, while the water-repellent part is kept damp. The moist water ensures that the non-greasy areas of the image do not accept ink. The printed roll is then fed to a cutting machine, where the material is cut into individual sheets. Web offset printing is often used to produce newspapers, magazines, advertising leaflets, catalogs and similar products that need to be printed in large quantities. The process is fast, efficient and can deliver high print quality.

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