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  • Beam Presses x

Buy Used Beam Presses

Side member presses are special presses used in the automotive industry to produce side members for vehicle bodies. Side members are long, narrow components located in the floor area of cars that reinforce the body. A side member press works similarly to a progressive press in that it forms the material in several steps. The process begins with a flat metal plate positioned on a die. The press then applies pressure to the material to form it in a sequential series of steps. This process produces a side member that has the desired shape. Side member presses can be hydraulically or mechanically driven and are typically operated at high speeds to allow for efficient manufacturing. The presses also often have automated material feed systems to speed up the manufacturing process and increase production capacity. The side members produced by these presses are critical to the strength and safety of vehicle bodies and are usually manufactured in large quantities. Side member presses therefore play an important role in the automotive industry to ensure that body parts can be produced in sufficient quantity and quality.

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Hydraulic Presses