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  • Coupled Transfer Line Presses (2-3 H-frames) x

Buy Used Coupled Transfer Line Presses (2-3 H-frames)

Coupled transfer presses are a special design of transfer presses in which two or three presses are linked together and operate as a single unit. In this case, the presses are synchronized with each other by a common control system to ensure continuous production. The presses can be of two-column or three-column design. Coupled progressive presses are often used in the automotive industry to produce sheet metal parts. This type of press can be used to produce complex components in a single pass, shortening production time and reducing production costs. A typical application of coupled progressive presses is the production of car body panels, where several press stages are required to bring the sheet into the desired shape. Coupled progressive presses are usually very powerful and can process large sheets. They feature high precision and repeatability, which is crucial in the production of body panels and other precision components.

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