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  • Nail Presses x

Buy Used Nail Presses

Needle presses are special presses used for the production of mattresses and upholstered furniture. They are also called mattress presses or upholstery presses. The presses have a vertical structure and are equipped with several hollow needles that move quickly up and down. The needles penetrate the material and create a series of holes, which are important for the breathability of the final product. Needle presses may also be equipped with a vacuum table that holds the material in place while the needles penetrate it. This allows for accurate and even distribution of needle stitches over the entire surface of the material. Needle presses are essential in the upholstery industry, as they provide a fast and effective method of producing mattresses and upholstered furniture. They are also used in the textile industry for the production of felt, nonwovens and other materials.

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