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  • Levelling devices manual or electronic x

Buy Used Levelling devices manual or electronic

A horizontal axis and frame - spirit level with bubble level or electronic digital display is a measuring device for determining the horizontal plane of a surface or object. The spirit level consists of a bubble level (a curved tube filled with a liquid such as alcohol or water) and a frame attached to one end of the bubble level. The horizontal axis and frame are designed to be parallel to the horizontal plane. To determine the plane of a surface, the level is placed on the surface and the bubble level is observed. When the level is aligned parallel to the horizontal plane, the surface is in the horizontal plane. An electronic digital level uses a sensor to measure the angular position of the frame and transmit it to a digital display. This type of level is often more accurate than a bubble level because it provides a more precise measurement of the angle. Horizontal Axis and Frame - Levels with a bubble level or electronic digital readout are useful tools for building and construction projects, such as aligning walls, ceilings, foundations, siding, tile and more. They can also be used for DIY projects such as hanging shelves, picture frames or leveling furniture.

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