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  • Suction Venturi Blast Cabinets x

Buy Used Suction Venturi Blast Cabinets

A suction jet venturi housing is a component in a fluid system that is used to increase the flow velocity and pressure within the system. It consists of a cone-shaped housing with an inlet funnel and an outlet tube. The inlet tube is located on the wide side of the housing and the outlet tube is located on the narrow side. When a fluid flows into the housing through the inlet tube, it is accelerated by the conical shape of the housing and the flow velocity is increased. A vacuum is then created at the narrow point of the housing, which draws the fluid in from the surrounding area and pulls it into the housing. This effect is called a "suction jet" and is the reason why the component is called a "suction jet venturi housing." The suction jet venturi housing is used in many applications to increase the flow velocity and pressure in a fluid system. Examples include the venting of wastewater lines, the dosing of chemicals in industrial processes, and the aeration of aquariums and fish ponds.

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