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  • Die-forging hammers x

Buy Used Die-forging hammers

Drop hammers are a type of tool used in metalworking to shape metal by forging or impact action. This type of hammer is also known as a forging hammer or forging press. Drop hammers consist of a solid steel block, also known as an anvil, on which the metal is placed, and a movable hammer head that is moved by a lever or hydraulic system to work the metal. The hammer head moves vertically downward and strikes the metal placed on the anvil. The force of the blow deforms the metal and it can be shaped into the desired form. The force of the hammer can be adjusted to the task at hand by changing the weight of the hammer head or by changing the hydraulic pressure. Drop hammers are used in many different industries, including forging, automotive, shipbuilding, aerospace, and many others where metalworking is required. They are particularly useful in the manufacture of large, solid metal parts, such as crankshafts, connecting rods, gears or drive shafts.

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