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  • Coining Presses x

Buy Used Coining Presses

Coin minting presses are special presses used for the production of coins. They are designed to ensure high precision and quality in the production of coins. Coin minting presses consist of a housing with two stands, a drive system and a tooling system specially designed for minting coins. The tooling system includes an upper and lower die that stamp the design and information onto the coin. The coin making process begins with the preparation of the coin blanks, which are made from metal blocks or strips. The blanks are placed into the minting machine, where they are placed between the upper and lower punches. The die then lowers onto the blank with high speed and precision, transferring the design and information onto the coin. Coin presses are available in a variety of sizes and capacities and can be customized to meet specific customer requirements. They offer high productivity and efficiency and are widely used in the coin manufacturing industry. Since coins are needed in large quantities worldwide, coin minting presses are an important part of coin production in many countries. The quality and precision provided by minting presses are critical to the acceptance and value of coins.

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