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  • Shrinker Metal Former x

Buy Used Shrinker Metal Former

Nibbling shears are machine tools used for cutting metal plates and sheets. Unlike other cutting tools such as scissors or saws, nibbling shears do not cut the material by pressure or friction, but by a cutting cut. Nibbling shears have a narrow, pointed cutting edge that penetrates the material and punches small pieces out of the sheet to create the desired cutting pattern. The cutting tool is usually attached to a movable arm that can move the cutting tool in different directions to create complex cutting patterns. There are several types of nibbling shears, including electrically powered nibbling shears, pneumatic nibbling shears and hydraulic nibbling shears. Each type has its own advantages and limitations, depending on the specific requirements of the application. Nibbling shears are used in a variety of applications, including the production of metal parts for the automotive, aerospace, machine building and other industrial applications. They offer high precision and repeatability in making cutting patterns in the materials and are capable of cutting complex shapes and designs.

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